Source code for src.util.dataclass

"""Extensions to Python :py:mod:`dataclasses`, for streamlined class definition.
import collections
import copy
import dataclasses
import enum
import functools
import re
import typing
from . import basic
from . import exceptions

import logging

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# The ClassMaker is cribbed from SO
# Classmaker and the @catalog_class.maker decorator allow class instantiation from
# strings. The main block can simply call the desired class using the convention
# argument instead of messy if/then/else blocks
# Instantiate the class maker with catalog_class = ClassMaker()

[docs] class ClassMaker: """ Class to instantiate other classes from strings""" def __init__(self): self.classes = {}
[docs] def add_class(self, c): self.classes[c.__name__] = c
# define the class decorator to return the class passed
[docs] def maker(self, c): self.add_class(c) return c
def __getitem__(self, n): return self.classes[n]
[docs] class RegexPatternBase: """Dummy parent class for :class:`RegexPattern` and :class:`ChainedRegexPattern`. """ pass
[docs] class RegexPattern(collections.UserDict, RegexPatternBase): """Wraps :py:class:`re.Pattern` with more convenience methods for the use case of parsing information in a string, using a regex with named capture groups corresponding to the data fields being collected from the string. """ data: dict fields: frozenset input_string: str = "" input_field: str = "" is_matched: bool = False _defaults: dict
[docs] def __init__(self, regex, defaults=None, input_field=None, match_error_filter=None): """Constructor. Args: regex (str or :py:class:`re.Pattern`): regex to use for string parsing. Should contain named match groups corresponding to the fields to parse. defaults (dict): Optional. If supplied, any fields not matched by the named match groups in *regex* will be set equal to their values here. input_field (str): Optional. If supplied, add a field to the match with the supplied name which will be set equal to the contents of the input string on a successful match. match_error_filter (bool or :class:`RegexPattern` or :class:`ChainedRegexPattern`): Optional. If supplied, determines whether a ValueError is raised when the :meth:`match` method fails to parse a string (see below.) Attributes: data (dict): Key:value pairs corresponding to the contents of the matching groups from the last successful call to :meth:`match`, or empty if no successful call has been made. From :py:class:`collections.UserDict`. fields (frozenset): Set of fields matched by the pattern. Consists of the union of named match groups in *regex*, and all keys in *defaults*. input_string (str): Contains string that was input to last call of :meth:`match`, whether successful or not. is_matched (bool): True if the last call to :meth:`match` was successful, False otherwise. """ = dict() self.input_string = "" self.is_matched = False try: if isinstance(regex, re.Pattern): self.regex = regex else: self.regex = re.compile(regex, re.VERBOSE) except re.error as exc: raise ValueError('Malformed input regex.') from exc if self.regex.groups != len(self.regex.groupindex): # _log.warning("Unnamed match groups in regex") pass if self.regex.groups == 0: # _log.warning("No named match groups in regex") pass if not defaults: self._defaults = dict() else: self._defaults = defaults.copy() self.input_field = input_field self._match_error_filter = match_error_filter self._update_fields()
[docs] def clear(self): """Erase field values parsed from a pre-existing match. """ = dict() self.input_string = "" self.is_matched = False
def _update_fields(self): self.regex_fields = frozenset(self.regex.groupindex.keys()) self.fields = self.regex_fields.union(self._defaults.keys()) if self.input_field: self.fields = self.fields.union((self.input_field,)) self.clear()
[docs] def update_defaults(self, d): """Update the default values used for the match with the values in *d*. """ if d: self._defaults.update(d) self._update_fields()
[docs] def match(self, str_, *args): """Match *str\_* using Python :py:func:`re.fullmatch` with *regex* and populate object's fields according to the values captured by the named capture groups in *regex*. Args: str\_ (str): Input string to parse. args: Optional. Flags (as defined in Python :py:mod:`re`) to use in the :py:func:`re.fullmatch` method of the *regex* and *match_error_filter* (if defined.) Raises: :class:`~exceptions.RegexParseError`: If :meth:`match` fails to parse the input string, and the following conditions on *match_error_filter* are met. If *match_error_filter* not supplied (default), always raise when :meth:`match` fails. If *match_error_filter* is bool, always/never raise. If *match_error_filter* is a :class:`RegexPattern` or :class:`ChainedRegexPattern`, attempt to :meth:`match` the input string that caused the failed match against the value of *match_error_filter*. If it matches, do not raise an error; otherwise raise an error. :class:`~exceptions.RegexSuppressedError`: If :meth:`match` fails to parse the input string and the above conditions involving *match_error_filter* are not met. One of RegexParseError or RegexSuppressedError is always raised on failure. """ self.clear() # to be safe self.input_string = str_ m = self.regex.fullmatch(str_, *args) if not m: self.is_matched = False if hasattr(self._match_error_filter, 'match'): try: self._match_error_filter.match(str_, *args) except Exception as exc: raise exceptions.RegexParseError( f"Couldn't match {str_} against {self.regex}.") raise exceptions.RegexSuppressedError(str_) elif self._match_error_filter: raise exceptions.RegexSuppressedError(str_) else: raise exceptions.RegexParseError( f"Couldn't match {str_} against {self.regex}.") else: = m.groupdict(default=NOTSET) for k, v in self._defaults.items(): if, NOTSET) is NOTSET:[k] = v if self.input_field:[self.input_field] = m.string self._validate_match(m) if any([f] is NOTSET for f in self.fields): bad_names = [f for f in self.fields if[f] is NOTSET] raise exceptions.RegexParseError((f"Couldn't match the " f"following fields in {str_}: " + ', '.join(bad_names))) self.is_matched = True
def _validate_match(self, match_obj): """Hook for post-processing of match, running after all fields are assigned but before final check that all fields are set. """ pass def __str__(self): if not self.is_matched: str_ = ', '.join(self.fields) else: str_ = ', '.join([f'{k}={v}' for k, v in]) return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}({str_})>" def __copy__(self): if hasattr(self._match_error_filter, 'copy'): match_error_filter_copy = self._match_error_filter.copy() else: # bool or None match_error_filter_copy = self._match_error_filter obj = self.__class__( self.regex.pattern, defaults=self._defaults.copy(), input_field=self.input_field, match_error_filter=match_error_filter_copy, ) = return obj def __deepcopy__(self, memo): obj = self.__class__( copy.deepcopy(self.regex.pattern, memo), defaults=copy.deepcopy(self._defaults, memo), input_field=copy.deepcopy(self.input_field, memo), match_error_filter=copy.deepcopy(self._match_error_filter, memo) ) = copy.deepcopy(, memo) return obj
[docs] class RegexPatternWithTemplate(RegexPattern): """Adds formatted output to :class:`RegexPattern`. """ template: str = ""
[docs] def __init__(self, regex, defaults=None, input_field=None, match_error_filter=None, template=None, log=_log): """Constructor. Args: template (str): Optional. Template string to use for formatting contents of match in :meth:`format` method. Contents of the matched fields will be subsituted using the {}-syntax of python string formatting. Other arguments are the same as in :class:`RegexPattern`. """ super(RegexPatternWithTemplate, self).__init__(regex, defaults=defaults, input_field=input_field, match_error_filter=match_error_filter) self.template = template for f in self.fields: if f not in self.template: log.warning("Field %s not included in output.", f)
[docs] def format(self): """Return *template* string, templated with the values obtained in the last successful call to :meth:`match`. """ if self.template is None: raise AssertionError('Template string needs to be defined.') if not self.is_matched: raise ValueError('No match') return self.template.format(**
def __copy__(self): if hasattr(self._match_error_filter, 'copy'): match_error_filter_copy = self._match_error_filter.copy() else: # bool or None match_error_filter_copy = self._match_error_filter obj = self.__class__( self.regex.pattern, defaults=self._defaults.copy(), input_field=self.input_field, match_error_filter=match_error_filter_copy, template=self.template ) = return obj def __deepcopy__(self, memo): obj = self.__class__( copy.deepcopy(self.regex.pattern, memo), defaults=copy.deepcopy(self._defaults, memo), input_field=copy.deepcopy(self.input_field, memo), match_error_filter=copy.deepcopy(self._match_error_filter, memo), template=copy.deepcopy(self.template, memo) ) = copy.deepcopy(, memo) return obj
[docs] class ChainedRegexPattern(RegexPatternBase): """Class which takes an 'or' of multiple :class:`RegexPattern`\s, to parse data that may be represented as a string in one of multiple formats. Matches are attempted on the supplied RegexPatterns in order, with the first one that succeeds determining the parsed field values. Public methods work the same as on :class:`RegexPattern`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *string_patterns, defaults=None, input_field=None, match_error_filter=None): """Constructor. Args: string_patterns (iterable of :class:`RegexPattern`): Individual regexes which will be tried, in order, when :meth:`match` is called. Parsing will be done by the first RegexPattern whose :meth:`match` succeeds. .. note:: The constructor changes attributes on :class:`RegexPattern` objects passed as *string_patterns*, so once the object is created its component :class:`RegexPattern` objects shouldn't be accessed on their own. Other arguments and attributes are the same as in :class:`RegexPattern`. """ input_string: str _match: int is_matched: bool = False # NB, changes attributes on patterns passed as arguments, so # once created they can't be used on their own new_pats = [] self.input_string = "" self._match = -1 for pat in string_patterns: if isinstance(pat, RegexPattern): new_pats.append(pat) elif isinstance(pat, ChainedRegexPattern): new_pats.extend(pat._patterns) else: raise ValueError("Bad input") self._patterns = tuple(string_patterns) if input_field: self.input_field = input_field self._match_error_filter = match_error_filter for pat in self._patterns: if defaults: pat.update_defaults(defaults) if input_field: pat.input_field = input_field pat._match_error_filter = None pat._update_fields() self._update_fields()
@property def is_matched(self): return self._match >= 0 @property def data(self): if self.is_matched: return self._patterns[self._match].data else: return dict()
[docs] def clear(self): for pat in self._patterns: pat.clear() self._match = -1 self.input_string = ""
def _update_fields(self): self.fields = self._patterns[0].fields for pat in self._patterns: if pat.fields != self.fields: raise ValueError("Incompatible fields.") self.clear()
[docs] def update_defaults(self, d): if d: for pat in self._patterns: pat.update_defaults(d) self._update_fields()
[docs] def match(self, str_, *args): self.clear() self.input_string = str_ for i, pat in enumerate(self._patterns): try: pat.match(str_, *args) if not pat.is_matched: raise ValueError() self._match = i except ValueError: continue if not self.is_matched: if hasattr(self._match_error_filter, 'match'): try: self._match_error_filter.match(str_, *args) except Exception as exc: raise exceptions.RegexParseError((f"Couldn't match {str_} " f"against any pattern in {self.__class__.__name__}.")) raise exceptions.RegexSuppressedError(str_) elif self._match_error_filter: raise exceptions.RegexSuppressedError(str_) else: raise exceptions.RegexParseError((f"Couldn't match {str_} " f"against any pattern in {self.__class__.__name__}."))
def __str__(self): if not self.is_matched: str_ = ', '.join(self.fields) else: str_ = ', '.join([f'{k}={v}' for k, v in]) return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}({str_})>"
[docs] def format(self): if not self.is_matched: raise ValueError('No match') return self._patterns[self._match].format()
def __copy__(self): new_pats = (pat.copy() for pat in self._patterns) return self.__class__( *new_pats, match_error_filter=self._match_error_filter.copy() ) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): new_pats = (copy.deepcopy(pat, memo) for pat in self._patterns) return self.__class__( *new_pats, match_error_filter=copy.deepcopy(self._match_error_filter, memo) )
# --------------------------------------------------------- NOTSET = basic.sentinel_object_factory('NotSet') """ Sentinel object to detect uninitialized values for fields in :func:`mdtf_dataclass` objects, for use in cases where ``None`` is a valid value for the field. """ MANDATORY = basic.sentinel_object_factory('Mandatory') """ Sentinel object to mark all :func:`mdtf_dataclass` fields that do not take a default value. This is a workaround to avoid errors with non-default fields coming after default fields in the dataclass auto-generated ``__init__`` method under `inheritance <>`__: we use the second solution described in `<>`__. """ def _mdtf_dataclass_get_field_types(obj, f, log): """Common functionality for :func:`_mdtf_dataclass_type_coercion` and :func:`_mdtf_dataclass_type_check`. Given a :py:class:`datacalsses.Field` object *f*, return either a tuple of the type its value should be coerced to and a tuple of the valid types its value can have, or (None, None) to signal a case we don't handle. """ if not f.init: # ignore fields that aren't handled at init return None, None value = getattr(obj, # ignore unset field values, regardless of type if value is None or value is NOTSET: return None, None # guess what types are valid new_type = None if f.type is typing.Any or isinstance(f.type, typing.TypeVar): return None, None if dataclasses.is_dataclass(f.type): # ignore if type is a dataclass: use this type annotation to # implement dataclass inheritance if not isinstance(obj, f.type): raise exceptions.DataclassParseError((f"Field {} specified " f"as dataclass {f.type.__name__}, which isn't a parent class " f"of {obj.__class__.__name__}.")) return None, None elif isinstance(f.type, typing._GenericAlias) \ or isinstance(f.type, typing._SpecialForm): # type is a generic from typing module, eg "typing.List" if f.type.__origin__ is typing.Union: new_type = None # can't do coercion, but can test type valid_types = list(f.type.__args__) else: try: new_type = f.type.__origin__ valid_types = [new_type] except Exception as exc: log.debug(f"Caught exception when checking types for {f.type.__name__}", exc, "Routine will return None") return None, None # can't do anything in this case else: new_type = f.type valid_types = [new_type] # Get types of field's default value, if present. Dataclass doesn't # require defaults to be same type as what's given for field. if not isinstance(f.default, dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE): valid_types.append(type(f.default)) if not isinstance(f.default_factory, dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE): valid_types.append(type(f.default_factory())) return new_type, valid_types def _mdtf_dataclass_type_coercion(self, log): """Do type checking on all dataclass fields after the auto-generated ``__init__`` method, but before any ``__post_init__`` method. .. warning:: Type checking logic used is specific to the ``typing`` module in python 3.7. It may or may not work on newer pythons, and definitely will not work with 3.5 or 3.6. See `<>`__. """ for f in dataclasses.fields(self): value = getattr(self,, NOTSET) new_type, valid_types = _mdtf_dataclass_get_field_types(self, f, log) try: if valid_types is None or isinstance(value, tuple(valid_types)): continue # don't coerce if we're already a valid type if new_type is None or hasattr(new_type, '__abstract_methods__'): continue # can't do type coercion else: if hasattr(new_type, 'from_struct'): new_value = new_type.from_struct(value) elif isinstance(new_type, enum.Enum): # need to use item syntax to create enum from name new_value = new_type.__getitem__(value) else: new_value = new_type(value) # for implementation object.__setattr__(self,, new_value) except (TypeError, ValueError, dataclasses.FrozenInstanceError) as exc: raise exceptions.DataclassParseError((f"{self.__class__.__name__}: " f"Couldn't coerce value {repr(value)} for field {} from " f"type {type(value)} to type {new_type}.")) from exc except Exception as exc: log.exception("%s: Caught exception: %r", self.__class__.__name__, exc) raise exc def _mdtf_dataclass_type_check(self, log): """Do type checking on all dataclass fields after ``__init__`` and ``__post_init__`` methods. .. warning:: Type checking logic used is specific to the ``typing`` module in python 3.7. It may or may not work on newer pythons, and definitely will not work with 3.5 or 3.6. See `<>`__. """ for f in dataclasses.fields(self): value = getattr(self,, NOTSET) if value is None or value is NOTSET: continue if value is MANDATORY: raise exceptions.DataclassParseError((f"{self.__class__.__name__}: " f"No value supplied for mandatory field {}.")) _, valid_types = _mdtf_dataclass_get_field_types(self, f, log) if valid_types is not None and not isinstance(value, tuple(valid_types)): log.exception("%s: Failed type check for field '%s': %s != %s.", self.__class__.__name__,, type(value), valid_types) raise exceptions.DataclassParseError((f"{self.__class__.__name__}: " f"Expected {} to be {f.type}, got {type(value)} " f"({repr(value)}).")) DEFAULT_MDTF_DATACLASS_KWARGS = {'init': True, 'repr': True, 'eq': True, 'order': False, 'unsafe_hash': False, 'frozen': False} # declaration to allow calling with and without args: python cookbook 9.6 #
[docs] def mdtf_dataclass(cls=None, **deco_kwargs): """Wrap the Python :py:func:`~dataclasses.dataclass` class decorator to customize dataclasses to provide rudimentary type checking and conversion. This is hacky, since dataclasses don't enforce type annotations for their fields. A better solution would be to use the third-party `cattrs <>`__ package, which has essentially the same aim. The decorator rewrites the class's constructor as follows: 1. Execute the auto-generated ``__init__`` method from Python :py:func:`~dataclasses.dataclass`. 2. Verify that fields with ``MANDATORY`` default have been assigned values. We have to work around the usual :py:func:`~dataclasses.dataclass` way of doing this, because it leads to errors in the signature of the auto-generated ``__init__`` method under inheritance (mandatory fields can't come after optional fields in the signature.) 3. Execute the class's ``__post_init__`` method, if defined, which can do more complex type coercion and validation. 4. Finally, check each field's value to see if it's consistent with the given type information. If not, attempt to coerce it to that type, using a ``from_struct`` method on that type if it exists. .. warning:: Unlike :py:func:`~dataclasses.dataclass`, all fields **must** have a *default* or *default_factory* defined. Fields which are mandatory must have their default value set to the sentinel object ``MANDATORY``. This is necessary in order for dataclass inheritance to work properly, and is not currently enforced when the class is decorated. Args: cls (class): Class to be decorated. deco_kwargs: Optional. Keyword arguments to pass to the Python :py:func:`~dataclasses.dataclass` class decorator. Raises: :class:`~exceptions.DataclassParseError`: If we attempted to construct an instance without giving values for ``MANDATORY`` fields, or if values of some fields after ``__post_init__`` could not be coerced into the types given in their annotation. """ dc_kwargs = DEFAULT_MDTF_DATACLASS_KWARGS.copy() dc_kwargs.update(deco_kwargs) if cls is None: # called without arguments return functools.partial(mdtf_dataclass, **dc_kwargs) if not hasattr(cls, '__post_init__'): # create dummy __post_init__ if none defined, so we can wrap it. # contrast with what we do below in regex_dataclass() def _dummy_post_init(self, *args, **kwargs): pass type.__setattr__(cls, '__post_init__', _dummy_post_init) # apply dataclasses' decorator cls = dataclasses.dataclass(cls, **dc_kwargs) # Do type coercion after dataclass' __init__, but before user __post_init__ # Do type check after __init__ and __post_init__ _old_post_init = cls.__post_init__ @functools.wraps(_old_post_init) def _new_post_init(self, *args, **kwargs): if hasattr(self, 'log'): _post_init_log = self.log # for object hierarchy else: _post_init_log = _log # fallback: use module-level logger _mdtf_dataclass_type_coercion(self, _post_init_log) _old_post_init(self, *args, **kwargs) _mdtf_dataclass_type_check(self, _post_init_log) type.__setattr__(cls, '__post_init__', _new_post_init) return cls
[docs] def is_regex_dataclass(obj): """Returns True if *obj* is a :func:`regex_dataclass`. """ return hasattr(obj, '_is_regex_dataclass') and obj._is_regex_dataclass == True
def _regex_dataclass_preprocess_kwargs(self, kwargs): """Edit kwargs going to the auto-generated __init__ method of this dataclass. If any fields are regex_dataclasses, construct and parse their values first. Raises a DataclassParseError if different regex_dataclasses (at any level of inheritance) try to assign different values to a field of the same name. We do this by assigning to a :class:`~src.util.basic.ConsistentDict`. """ new_kw = filter_dataclass(kwargs, self, init='all') new_kw = basic.ConsistentDict.from_struct(new_kw) for cls_ in self.__class__.__bases__: if not is_regex_dataclass(cls_): continue for f in dataclasses.fields(self): if not f.type == cls_: continue if in kwargs: val = kwargs[] elif not isinstance(f.default, dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE): val = f.default elif not isinstance(f.default_factory, dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE): val = f.default_factory() else: raise exceptions.DataclassParseError(f"Can't set value for {}.") new_d = dataclasses.asdict(f.type.from_string(val)) new_d = filter_dataclass(new_d, self, init='all') try: new_kw.update(new_d) except exceptions.WormKeyError as exc: raise exceptions.DataclassParseError((f"{self.__class__.__name__}: " f"Tried to make inconsistent field assignment when parsing " f"{} as an instance of {f.type.__name__}.")) from exc post_init = dict() for f in dataclasses.fields(self): if not f.init and in new_kw: post_init[] = new_kw.pop( return new_kw, post_init
[docs] def regex_dataclass(pattern, **deco_kwargs): """Decorator combining the functionality of :class:`RegexPattern` and :func:`mdtf_dataclass`: dataclass fields are parsed from a regex and coerced to appropriate classes. Specifically, this is done via a ``from_string`` classmethod, added by this decorator, which creates dataclass instances by parsing an input string with a :class:`RegexPattern` or :class:`ChainedRegexPattern`. The values of all fields returned by the :meth:`~RegexPattern.match` method of the pattern are passed to the ``__init__`` method of the dataclass as kwargs. Additionally, if the type of one or more fields is set to a class that's also been decorated with regex_dataclass, the parsing logic for that field's regex_dataclass will be invoked on that field's value (i.e., a string obtained by regex matching in *this* regex_dataclass), and the parsed values of those fields will be supplied to this regex_dataclass constructor. This is our implementation of composition for regex_dataclasses. .. note:: Unlike :func:`mdtf_dataclass`, type coercion here is done *after* ``__post_init__`` for these dataclasses. This is necessary due to composition: if a regex_dataclass is being instantiated as a field of another regex_dataclass, all values being passed to it will be strings (the regex fields), and type coercion is the job of ``__post_init__``. """ dc_kwargs = DEFAULT_MDTF_DATACLASS_KWARGS.copy() dc_kwargs.update(deco_kwargs) def _dataclass_decorator(cls): if '__post_init__' not in cls.__dict__: # Prevent class from inheriting __post_init__ from parents if it # doesn't overload it (which is why we use __dict__ and not # hasattr().) __post_init__ of all parents will have been called when # the parent classes are instantiated by _regex_dataclass_preprocess_kwargs. def _dummy_post_init(self, *args, **kwargs): pass type.__setattr__(cls, '__post_init__', _dummy_post_init) # apply dataclasses' decorator cls = dataclasses.dataclass(cls, **dc_kwargs) # check that all DCs specified as fields are also in class hierarchy # so that we inherit their fields; probably no way this could happen though for f in dataclasses.fields(cls): if is_regex_dataclass(f.type) and f.type not in cls.__mro__: raise TypeError((f"{cls.__name__}: Field {} specified as " f"{f.type.__name__}, but we don't inherit from it.")) _old_init = cls.__init__ @functools.wraps(_old_init) def _new_init(self, first_arg=None, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(first_arg, str) and not args and not kwargs: # instantiate from running regex on string, if a string is the # only argument to the constructor self._pattern.match(first_arg) first_arg = None kwargs = new_kw, other_kw = _regex_dataclass_preprocess_kwargs(self, kwargs) for k, v in other_kw.items(): # set field values that aren't arguments to _old_init object.__setattr__(self, k, v) if first_arg is None: _old_init(self, *args, **new_kw) else: _old_init(self, first_arg, *args, **new_kw) _mdtf_dataclass_type_coercion(self, _log) _mdtf_dataclass_type_check(self, _log) type.__setattr__(cls, '__init__', _new_init) def _from_string(cls_, str_, *args): """Create an object instance from a string representation *str\_*. Used by :func:`regex_dataclass` for parsing field values and automatic type coercion. """ cls_._pattern.match(str_, *args) return cls_(** type.__setattr__(cls, 'from_string', classmethod(_from_string)) type.__setattr__(cls, '_is_regex_dataclass', True) type.__setattr__(cls, '_pattern', pattern) return cls return _dataclass_decorator
[docs] def filter_dataclass(d, dc, init=False): """Return a dict of the subset of fields or entries in *d* that correspond to the fields in dataclass *dc*. Args: d (dict, dataclass or dataclass instance): Object to take field values from. dc (dataclass or dataclass instance): Dataclass defining the set of fields that are returned. Values of fields in *d* that are not fields of *dc* are discarded. init (bool or 'all'): Optional, default False. Controls whether `init-only fields <>`__ are included: - If False: Include only the fields of *dc* as returned by :py:func:`dataclasses.fields`. - If True: Include only the arguments to *dc*\'s constructor (i.e., include any init-only fields and exclude any of *dc*\'s fields with *init*\=False.) - If 'all': Include the union of the above two options. Returns: dict: The subset of key:value pairs from *d* such that the keys are included in the set of *dc*\'s fields specified by the value of *init*. """ assert dataclasses.is_dataclass(dc) if dataclasses.is_dataclass(d): if isinstance(d, type): d = d() # d is a class; instantiate with default field values d = dataclasses.asdict(d) if not init or (init == 'all'): ans = { d[] for f in dataclasses.fields(dc) if in d} else: ans = { d[] for f in dataclasses.fields(dc) if ( in d and f.init)} if init or (init == 'all'): init_fields = filter( (lambda f: f.type == dataclasses.InitVar), dc.__dataclass_fields__.values() ) ans.update({ d[] for f in init_fields if in d}) return ans
[docs] def coerce_to_dataclass(d, dc, **kwargs): """Given a dataclass *dc* (may be the class or an instance of it), and a dict, dataclass or dataclass instance *d*, return an instance of *dc*\'s class with field values initialized from those in *d*, along with any extra values passed in *kwargs*. Because this constructs a new dataclass instance, it copies field values according to the *init*\=True logic in :func:`filter_dataclass`. Args: d (dict, dataclass or dataclass instance): Object to take field values from. dc (dataclass or dataclass instance): Class to instantiate. kwargs: Optional. If provided, override field values provided in *d*. Returns: Instance of dataclass *dc* with field values populated from *kwargs* and *d*. """ new_kwargs = filter_dataclass(d, dc, init=True) if kwargs: new_kwargs.update(kwargs) new_kwargs = filter_dataclass(new_kwargs, dc, init=True) if not isinstance(dc, type): dc = dc.__class__ return dc(**new_kwargs)