"""Classes for serializing and deserializing dates and times expressed as strings
in filenames and paths.
Intended use case is, e.g., determining if a file contains data for a
given year based on the filename alone, without having to open it and parse the
Classes are implemented on top of the Python standard library
:mod:`datetime` package, and as such *always* assume a proleptic Gregorian
calendar. This is adequate for the intended filename-parsing use case.
Timezone support is not currently implemented, for the same reason.
These classes should *not* be used for detailed calendar math. We currently
implement and test comparison logic only, not anything more (e.g. addition,
subtraction, although increment/decrement are supported).
Properties and use of :class:`DateRange`, :class:`Date` and :class:`DateFrequency`
objects are best illustrated by examples:
. code-block:: python
>>> Date('20001215').month
>>> Date('200012') == datetime.datetime(2000, 12, 1)
>>> DateRange('2010-2020') in DateRange('2008-2019')
>>> DateRange('2010-2020').overlaps(DateRange('2008-2019'))
>>> DateFrequency('daily') < DateFrequency('24hr')
import abc
import copy
import enum
import re
import datetime
import math
import operator as op
import warnings
import cftime
from src import util
import logging
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# match-case statement to give date format
# input can be int or str
def date_fmt(date: str):
date_digits = len(date)
match date_digits:
case 6:
fmt = '%Y%m'
case 8:
fmt = '%Y%m%d'
case 10:
fmt = '%Y%m%d%H'
case 12:
fmt = '%Y%m%d%H%M'
case 14:
fmt = '%Y%m%d%H%M%S'
return fmt
# convert a string to a cftime object
def str_to_cftime(time_str: str, fmt=None, calendar=None):
if fmt is None:
fmt = date_fmt(time_str)
if calendar is None:
calendar = 'julian'
dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(time_str, fmt)
cf_date = cftime.datetime(
return cf_date
# convert cftime.Datetime to a string
def cftime_to_str(cf_time: cftime.datetime, fmt=None):
if fmt is None:
fmt = '%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S'
return cf_time.strftime(fmt)
# convert datetime.datetime to a str for in DateRange operation (year and month only)
def dt_to_str(dt: datetime.datetime):
year = str(dt.year)
year = "".join(["0"] * (4 - len(year))) + year
month = str(dt.month)
month = "".join(["0"] * (2 - len(month))) + month
return f'{year}{month}'
# ===============================================================
# following adapted from Alexandre Decan's python-intervals
# https://github.com/AlexandreDecan/python-intervals ; LGPLv3
# We neglect the case of noncontinuous or semi-infinite intervals here
class AtomicInterval(object):
This class represents an atomic interval.
An atomic interval is a single interval, with a lower and upper bound,
and two (closed or open) boundaries.
__slots__ = ('_left', '_lower', '_upper', '_right')
# Boundary types (True for inclusive, False for exclusive)
OPEN = False
def __init__(self, left, lower, upper, right):
"""Create an atomic interval.
If a bound is set to infinity (regardless of its sign), the
corresponding boundary will be exclusive.
left: Boolean indicating if left boundary is inclusive (True) or
exclusive (False).
lower: value of the lower bound.
upper: value of the upper bound.
right: Boolean indicating if right boundary is inclusive (True)
or exclusive (False).
self._left = bool(left)
self._lower = lower
self._upper = upper
self._right = bool(right)
if self.is_empty():
raise ValueError('Malformed interval ({},{},{},{})'.format(
left, lower, upper, right
def left(self):
"""Boolean indicating whether the left boundary is inclusive (True) or
exclusive (False).
return self._left
def lower(self):
"""Lower bound value.
return self._lower
def upper(self):
"""Upper bound value.
return self._upper
def right(self):
"""Boolean indicating whether the right boundary is inclusive (True) or
exclusive (False).
return self._right
def is_empty(self):
"""Test interval emptiness.
True if interval is empty, False otherwise.
return (
self._lower > self._upper or
(self._lower == self._upper
and (self._left == self.OPEN or self._right == self.OPEN))
def replace(self, left=None, lower=None, upper=None, right=None, ignore_inf=True):
"""Create a new interval based on the current one and the provided values.
Callable can be passed instead of values. In that case, it is called
with the current corresponding value except if ignore_inf if set
(default) and the corresponding bound is an infinity.
left: (a function of) left boundary.
lower: (a function of) value of the lower bound.
upper: (a function of) value of the upper bound.
right: (a function of) right boundary.
ignore_inf: ignore infinities if functions are provided
(default is True).
An Interval instance.
if callable(left):
left = left(self._left)
left = self._left if left is None else left
if callable(lower):
lower = self._lower if ignore_inf else lower(self._lower)
lower = self._lower if lower is None else lower
if callable(upper):
upper = self._upper if ignore_inf else upper(self._upper)
upper = self._upper if upper is None else upper
if callable(right):
right = right(self._right)
right = self._right if right is None else right
return type(self)(left, lower, upper, right)
def overlaps(self, other, adjacent=False):
"""Test if intervals have any overlapping value.
If 'adjacent' is set to True (default is False), then it returns True
for adjacent intervals as well (e.g., [1, 2) and [2, 3], but not
[1, 2) and (2, 3]).
other: an atomic interval.
adjacent: set to True to accept adjacent intervals as well.
True if intervals overlap, False otherwise.
if not isinstance(other, AtomicInterval):
raise TypeError('Only AtomicInterval instances are supported.')
if self._lower < other.lower or \
(self._lower == other.lower and self._left == self.CLOSED):
first, second = self, other
first, second = other, self
if first._upper == second._lower:
if adjacent:
return first._right == self.CLOSED or second._left == self.CLOSED
return first._right == self.CLOSED and second._left == self.CLOSED
return first._upper > second._lower
def intersection(self, other):
Return the intersection of two intervals.
other: an interval.
The intersection of the intervals.
return self & other
def union(self, other):
"""Return the union of two intervals. If the union cannot be represented
using a single atomic interval, return an Interval instance (which
corresponds to an union of atomic intervals).
other: an interval.
The union of the intervals.
return self | other
def contains(self, item):
"""Test if given item is contained in this interval.
This method accepts atomic intervals, intervals and arbitrary values.
item: an atomic interval, an interval or any arbitrary value.
True if given item is contained, False otherwise.
return item in self
def __and__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, AtomicInterval):
if self._lower == other._lower:
lower = self._lower
left = self._left if self._left == self.OPEN else other._left
lower = max(self._lower, other._lower)
left = self._left if lower == self._lower else other._left
if self._upper == other._upper:
upper = self._upper
right = self._right if self._right == self.OPEN else other._right
upper = min(self._upper, other._upper)
right = self._right if upper == self._upper else other._right
if lower <= upper:
return AtomicInterval(left, lower, upper, right)
# empty set
return AtomicInterval(self.OPEN, lower, lower, self.OPEN)
raise TypeError('Only AtomicInterval instances are supported.')
def __or__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, AtomicInterval):
if self.overlaps(other, adjacent=True):
if self._lower == other._lower:
lower = self._lower
left = self._left if self._left == self.CLOSED else other._left
lower = min(self._lower, other._lower)
left = self._left if lower == self._lower else other._left
if self._upper == other._upper:
upper = self._upper
right = self._right if self._right == self.CLOSED else other._right
upper = max(self._upper, other._upper)
right = self._right if upper == self._upper else other._right
return AtomicInterval(left, lower, upper, right)
# return Interval(self, other)
return ValueError("{} and {} have multi-component union.".format(
self, other))
raise TypeError('Only AtomicInterval instances are supported.')
def __contains__(self, item):
if isinstance(item, AtomicInterval):
left = item._lower > self._lower or (
item._lower == self._lower
and (item._left == self._left or self._left == self.CLOSED)
right = item._upper < self._upper or (
item._upper == self._upper and
(item._right == self._right or self._right == self.CLOSED)
return left and right
raise TypeError('Only AtomicInterval instances are supported.')
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, AtomicInterval):
return (
self._left == other._left and
self._lower == other._lower and
self._upper == other._upper and
self._right == other._right
return NotImplemented
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self == other # Required for Python 2
def __lt__(self, other):
# true only if disjoint!
if isinstance(other, AtomicInterval):
if self._right == self.OPEN:
return self._upper <= other._lower
return self._upper < other._lower or \
(self._upper == other._lower and other._left == self.OPEN)
raise TypeError('Only AtomicInterval instances are supported.')
def __gt__(self, other):
# true only if disjoint!
if isinstance(other, AtomicInterval):
if self._left == self.OPEN:
return self._lower >= other._upper
return self._lower > other._upper or \
(self._lower == other._upper and other._right == self.OPEN)
raise TypeError('Only AtomicInterval instances are supported.')
def __le__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, AtomicInterval):
if self._right == self.OPEN:
return self._upper <= other._upper
return self._upper < other._upper or \
(self._upper == other._upper and other._right == self.CLOSED)
raise TypeError('Only AtomicInterval instances are supported.')
def __ge__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, AtomicInterval):
if self._left == self.OPEN:
return self._lower >= other._lower
return self._lower > other._lower or \
(self._lower == other._lower and other._left == self.CLOSED)
raise TypeError('Only AtomicInterval instances are supported.')
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self._lower)
except TypeError:
return 0
def __repr__(self):
if self.is_empty():
return '()'
elif self._lower == self._upper:
return '[{}]'.format(repr(self._lower))
return '{}{},{}{}'.format(
'[' if self._left == self.CLOSED else '(',
']' if self._right == self.CLOSED else ')',
def adjoins_left(self, other):
"""Returns True if *other* follows *self* with no gap or overlap."""
return self._right != other._left and self._upper == other._lower
def adjoins_right(self, other):
"""Returns True if *self* follows *other* with no gap or overlap."""
return self._left != other._right and self._lower == other._upper
def adjoins(self, other):
"""Returns True if there is no gap or overlap between *self* and *other*."""
return self.adjoins_left(other) or self.adjoins_right(other)
def span(cls, *args):
"""Return an AtomicInterval covering the collection of intervals in *args*."""
min_ = min(args, key=op.attrgetter('lower'))
max_ = max(args, key=op.attrgetter('upper'))
return AtomicInterval(min_.left, min_.lower, max_.upper, max_.right)
def contiguous_span(cls, *args):
"""Return an AtomicInterval covering the collection of intervals in *args*
if those intervals are contiguous and nonoverlapping.
ValueError: If collection of intervals is not contiguous and
ints = sorted(args, key=op.attrgetter('lower'))
for i in list(range(0, len(ints) - 1)):
# the following check is questionable since it assumes that
# the upper bound of date range A should match the lower bound of date range B
# in a sorted list for A and B to be considered contiguous
# For example, if range A ends on 19791231595959 and Range B begins on 19800101000000,
# they are considered to be not contiguous
if not ints[i].adjoins_left(ints[i + 1]):
_log.warning(("Intervals {} and {} may not be contiguous and "
"nonoverlapping.").format(ints[i], ints[i + 1]))
return AtomicInterval(ints[0].left, ints[0].lower,
ints[-1].upper, ints[-1].right)
# ===============================================================
class DatePrecision(enum.IntEnum):
""":py:class:`~enum.IntEnum` to encode the recognized levels of precision
for :class:`Date`s and :class:`DateRange`s. Example:
. code-block:: python
>>> Date('200012').precision == DatePrecision.MONTH
because the date in the example, "December 2000," is only defined up to a
month, and hence is represented by the interval from 1 Dec 2000 to 31 Dec 2000.
YEAR = 1
DAY = 3
HOUR = 4
class DateMixin(object):
"""Utility methods for dealing with dates.
def increment(cls, dt, precision):
"""Return a copy of *dt* advanced by one time unit as specified by
the *precision* attribute.
if precision == DatePrecision.MONTH: # can't handle this with timedeltas
if dt.month == 12:
return dt.replace(year=(dt.year + 1), month=1)
return dt.replace(month=(dt.month + 1))
return cls._inc_dec_common(dt, precision, 1)
def decrement(cls, dt, precision):
"""Return a copy of *dt* moved back by one time unit as specified by
the *precision* attribute.
if precision == DatePrecision.MONTH: # can't handle this with timedeltas
if dt.month == 1:
return dt.replace(year=(dt.year - 1), month=12)
return dt.replace(month=(dt.month - 1))
return cls._inc_dec_common(dt, precision, -1)
def _inc_dec_common(dt, precision, delta):
if precision == DatePrecision.STATIC:
if delta == 1:
# assert dt == datetime.datetime.min
return datetime.datetime.max
elif delta == -1:
# assert dt == datetime.datetime.max
return datetime.datetime.min
if precision == DatePrecision.YEAR:
# nb: can't handle this with timedeltas
return dt.replace(year=(dt.year + delta))
elif precision == DatePrecision.DAY:
td = datetime.timedelta(days=delta)
elif precision == DatePrecision.HOUR:
td = datetime.timedelta(hours=delta)
elif precision == DatePrecision.MINUTE:
td = datetime.timedelta(minutes=delta)
elif precision == DatePrecision.SECOND:
td = datetime.timedelta(seconds=delta)
elif precision == DatePrecision.MICROSECOND:
td = datetime.timedelta(microseconds=delta)
# prec == 2 case handled in calling logic
raise ValueError(f"Malformed input: {repr(dt)} prec={precision} delta={delta}")
return dt + td
class DateRange(AtomicInterval, DateMixin):
"""Class representing a range of dates specified with variable precision.
Endpoints of the interval are represented internally as
:py:class:`~datetime.datetime` objects.
In keeping with convention, this is always defined as a *closed* interval
(containing both endpoints). E.g., DateRange('1990-1999') starts at 0:00
on 1 Jan 1990 and ends at 23:59 on 31 Dec 1999, inclusive.
precision (:class:`DatePrecision`): Precision to which both endpoints of
the DateRange are known. E.g., DateRange('1990-1999') has a precision
of DatePrecision.YEAR.
_range_sep = '-'
def __init__(self, start, end=None, precision=None, log=_log):
start (str or datetime): Start date of the interval as a
:py:class:`~datetime.datetime` object, or string in YYYYmmdd...
YYYY-MM-DD, or YYYY:MM:DD formats, or a two-item collection or string defining
*both* endpoints of the interval as strings in YYYYmmdd... format
separated by a single hyphen or colon.
end (str or datetime): Optional. End date of the interval as a
:py:class:`~datetime.datetime` object, or string in YYYYmmdd...,
YYYY-mm-dd, or YYYY:mm:dd formats. Ignored if the entire range was specified
as a string in *start*.
precision (int or :class:`DatePrecision`): Optional. Manually set
precision of date endpoints defining the range. If not supplied,
set based on the length of the YYYYmmdd... strings supplied in
*start* and *end*.
ValueError: If *start* or *end* don't follow one of the recognized
:class:`~exception.MixedDatePrecisionException`: If manually specified
*precision* is greater than the precision inferred from *start* or
if not end:
if isinstance(start, str):
split_str = re.split('[-, :]', start)
if len(split_str) == 2:
(start, end) = split_str
nelem = len(split_str)
nelem_half = nelem // 2
# start: split_str[start index of 0: nelem_half elements total], end[start index at nelem_half,
(start, end) = ''.join(split_str[:nelem_half]), ''.join(split_str[nelem_half:])
elif len(start) == 2:
(start, end) = start
raise ValueError('Bad input ({},{})'.format(start, end))
if isinstance(start, str):
start = start.replace(':','')
if isinstance(end, str):
end = end.replace(':','')
dt0, prec0 = self._coerce_to_datetime(start, is_lower=True)
dt1, prec1 = self._coerce_to_datetime(end, is_lower=False)
if not (dt0 < dt1):
log.warning('Args to DateRange out of order (%s >= %s)',
start, end)
dt0, prec0 = self._coerce_to_datetime(end, is_lower=True)
dt1, prec1 = self._coerce_to_datetime(start, is_lower=False)
# call AtomicInterval's init
super(DateRange, self).__init__(self.CLOSED, dt0, dt1, self.OPEN)
if precision is not None:
if not isinstance(precision, DatePrecision):
precision = DatePrecision(precision)
if precision > prec0 or precision > prec1:
raise util.MixedDatePrecisionException((
"Attempted to init DateRange with manual prec {}, but date "
"arguments have precs {}, {}").format(precision, prec0,
self.precision = precision
self.precision, _ = self._precision_check(prec0, prec1)
def is_static(self):
"""Property indicating time-independent data (e.g., ``fx`` in the CMIP6 DRS.)
return False
def _precision_check(*args):
min_ = min(args)
max_ = max(args)
if min_ == DatePrecision.STATIC:
raise util.FXDateException(
func_name='_precision_check', msg='Recieved {}'.format(args)
if min_ != max_:
warnings.warn('Expected precisions {} to be identical'.format(
return min_, max_
def _coerce_to_datetime(dt, is_lower):
if isinstance(dt, datetime.datetime):
# datetime specifies time to within second
return dt, DatePrecision.SECOND
if isinstance(dt, datetime.date):
# date specifies time to within day
return (
datetime.datetime.combine(dt, datetime.datetime.min.time()),
tmp = Date._coerce_to_self(dt)
date_precision = tmp.precision
if date_precision <= DatePrecision.MONTH:
date_precision = DatePrecision.DAY
if is_lower:
return tmp.lower, date_precision
return tmp.upper, date_precision
def _coerce_to_self(cls, item, precision=None):
# hacky; should to be a better way to write this
if isinstance(item, cls) or getattr(item, 'is_static', False):
if precision is not None:
item.precision = precision
return item
if precision is not None:
return cls(item, precision=precision)
return cls(item)
except Exception:
raise TypeError((f"Comparison not supported between {cls.__name__} "
f"and {type(item).__name__} ({repr(item)})."))
def start_datetime(self):
"""Start of the interval, returned as a :py:class:`~datetime.datetime` object.
return self.lower
def start(self):
"""Start of the interval, returned as a :class:`Date` object of appropriate
assert self.precision
return Date(self.start_datetime, precision=self.precision)
def end_datetime(self):
"""End of the interval, returned as a :py:class:`~datetime.datetime` object.
# don't decrement here, even though interval is closed, because of how
# adjoins_left and adjoins_right are implemented
return self.upper
def end(self):
"""End of the interval, returned as a :class:`Date` object of appropriate
# need to decrement because interval is closed, but Date() assumes its
# input is the start of the interval (set by precision)
assert self.precision
return Date(
self.decrement(self.end_datetime, self.precision + 1),
def from_contiguous_span(cls, *args):
"""Given multiple DateRanges, return interval containing them
only if their time intervals are contiguous and non-overlapping.
if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], DateRange):
return args[0]
dt_args = [DateRange._coerce_to_self(arg) for arg in args]
prec, _ = cls._precision_check(*[dtr.precision for dtr in dt_args])
interval = cls.contiguous_span(*dt_args)
return DateRange(interval.lower, interval.upper, precision=prec)
def from_date_span(cls, *args):
"""Return a DateRange corresponding to the interval containing a set of
:class:`Date`s. Differs from :meth:`from_contiguous_span` in that we
don't expect intervals to be contiguous.
dt_args = [Date._coerce_to_self(arg) for arg in args]
prec, _ = cls._precision_check(*[dtr.precision for dtr in dt_args])
interval = cls.span(*dt_args)
return DateRange(interval.lower, interval.upper, precision=prec)
__str__ = format
def __repr__(self):
if self.precision:
return "DateRange('{}')".format(self)
return "DateRange('{}', precision=None)".format(self)
def __contains__(self, item):
"""Override :meth:`AtomicInterval.__contains__` to handle differences
in datelabel precision. Finite precision means that the interval endpoints
are ranges, not points (which is why :class:`Date` inherits from
:class:`DateRange` and not vice-versa). We replace strict equality of
endpoints (==) with appropriate conditions on the overlap of these
item = self._coerce_to_self(item)
left_gt = item._lower > self._lower
left_eq = (self.start.overlaps(item.start)
and (item._left == self._left or self._left == self.CLOSED))
right_lt = item._upper < self._upper
right_eq = (self.end.overlaps(item.end)
and (item._right == self._right or self._right == self.CLOSED))
return (left_gt or left_eq) and (right_lt or right_eq)
contains = __contains__
def overlaps(self, item):
item = self._coerce_to_self(item)
return super(DateRange, self).overlaps(item, adjacent=False)
def intersection(self, item, precision=None):
item = self._coerce_to_self(item)
if not self.overlaps(item):
raise ValueError("{} and {} have empty intersection".format(self, item))
interval = super(DateRange, self).intersection(item)
if not precision:
_, precision = self._precision_check(self.precision, item.precision)
return DateRange(interval.lower, interval.upper, precision=precision)
# for comparsions, coerce to DateRange first & use inherited interval math
def _date_range_compare_common(self, other, func_name):
if self.is_static or getattr(other, 'is_static', False):
raise util.FXDateException(func_name='_date_range_compare_common')
_other = self._coerce_to_self(other)
_meth = getattr(super(DateRange, self), func_name)
return _meth(_other)
def __lt__(self, other):
return self._date_range_compare_common(other, '__lt__')
def __le__(self, other):
return self._date_range_compare_common(other, '__le__')
def __gt__(self, other):
return self._date_range_compare_common(other, '__gt__')
def __ge__(self, other):
return self._date_range_compare_common(other, '__ge__')
def __eq__(self, other):
# Don't want check for static date in this case
other = self._coerce_to_self(other)
except TypeError:
return False
prec_other = getattr(other, 'precision', -1)
return (super(DateRange, self).__eq__(other)) \
and (self.precision == prec_other)
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.__class__, self.lower, self.upper, self.precision))
class Date(DateRange):
"""Defines a single date with variable level precision.
The date is represented as an interval, with precision setting the length of
the interval (which is why this inherits from :class:`DateRange` and not vice
Date objects are mapped to :py:class:`~datetime.datetime`s representing the
*start* of the interval implied by their precision, e.g. Date('2000-05') maps
to 0:00 on 1 May 2000.
year, month, day, hour, minute, second: Components of the
:py:class:`~datetime.datetime` representing the start of the interval
defined by Date. We do not check that the attribute access is
appropriate to the Date's *precision*.
precision (:class:`DatePrecision`): Precision to which both endpoints of
the DateRange are known. E.g., Date(1990) has a precision
of DatePrecision.YEAR.
_datetime_attrs = ('year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second')
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
args: Either a :py:class:`~datetime.datetime` object, a string in
YYYYMMDD... or YYYY-MM-DD format, or one to six integers specifying
year, month, ... separately (as in the constructor for
precision: Optional keyword argument, int or :class:`DatePrecision`.
Sets precision of date manually, similar to :class:`DateRange`.
If not provided, precision is set from input.
if isinstance(args[0], (datetime.date, datetime.datetime)):
dt_args = self._parse_datetime(args[0])
single_arg_flag = True
elif isinstance(args[0], str):
dt_args = self._parse_input_string(args[0])
single_arg_flag = True
dt_args = tuple(args)
single_arg_flag = False
if 'precision' in kwargs:
prec = kwargs['precision']
elif len(args) == 2 and single_arg_flag:
prec = args[1]
prec = len(dt_args)
if prec is not None and not isinstance(prec, DatePrecision):
prec = DatePrecision(prec)
assert prec <= 6 # other values not supported
for i in list(range(prec)):
setattr(self, self._datetime_attrs[i], dt_args[i])
if prec == 1:
dt_args = (dt_args[0], 1, 1) # missing month & day
elif prec == 2:
dt_args = (dt_args[0], dt_args[1], 1) # missing day
dt = datetime.datetime(*dt_args)
# call DateRange's init
super(Date, self).__init__(dt, self.increment(dt, prec), precision=prec)
def _parse_datetime(cls, dt):
# new obj from coercing a datetime.date or datetime.datetime.
# A bit hacky, but no other portable way to copy the input datetime
# using one of its class methods in py2.7.
ans = []
for attr in cls._datetime_attrs:
if hasattr(dt, attr):
ans.append(getattr(dt, attr))
return tuple(ans)
def _parse_input_string(cls, s):
"""Parse date strings in `YYYY-MM-DD:HH:MM:SS` or `YYYYMMDDHHMMSS` formats.
if '-' in s or ':' in s:
return tuple([int(ss) for ss in re.split('[-:s+]', s)])
ans = [int(s[0:4])]
for i in list(range(4, len(s), 2)):
ans.append(int(s[i:(i + 2)]))
return tuple(ans)
__str__ = format
def __repr__(self):
return "Date('{}')".format(self)
def _tuple_compare(self, other, func):
if self.is_static or getattr(other, 'is_static', False):
if func == op.eq:
# True only if both values are FXDates
return self.is_static and getattr(other, 'is_static', False)
raise util.FXDateException(func_name='_tuple_compare')
if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
other = self.__class__._coerce_to_self(other, precision=self.precision)
# only compare most signifcant fields of tuple representation
return func(
def __lt__(self, other):
return self._tuple_compare(other, op.lt)
def __gt__(self, other):
return self._tuple_compare(other, op.gt)
def __le__(self, other):
return self._tuple_compare(other, op.le)
def __ge__(self, other):
return self._tuple_compare(other, op.ge)
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Overload datetime.datetime's __eq__. Require precision to match as
well as date, but *only up to stated precision*, e.g., Date(2019,5) will ==
return self._tuple_compare(other, op.eq)
except TypeError:
return False
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other) # more foolproof
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.__class__, self.lower, self.upper, self.precision))
class _StaticTimeDependenceBase(object):
"""Dummy class to label sentinel objects for use in describing static data
with no time dependence.
def is_static(self):
"""Property indicating time-independent data (e.g., 'fx' in CMIP6 DRS.)
return True
def _coerce_to_self(cls, item):
# got to be a better way to write this
return item
def format(self, precision=None):
return "<N/A>"
isoformat = format
__str__ = format
def date_format(dt, precision=None):
return "<N/A>"
class _FXDateMin(_StaticTimeDependenceBase, Date):
def __init__(self):
# call DateRange's init
super(_FXDateMin, self).__init__(
datetime.datetime.min, precision=DatePrecision.STATIC
self.precision = DatePrecision.STATIC
def __repr__(self):
return "_FXDate()"
def start(self):
return self.lower
def end(self):
return self.lower
FXDateMin = _FXDateMin()
class _FXDateMax(_StaticTimeDependenceBase, Date):
def __init__(self):
# call DateRange's init
super(_FXDateMax, self).__init__(
datetime.datetime.max, precision=DatePrecision.STATIC
self.precision = DatePrecision.STATIC
def __repr__(self):
return "_FXDateMax()"
def start(self):
return self.upper
def end(self):
return self.upper
FXDateMax = _FXDateMax()
class _FXDateRange(_StaticTimeDependenceBase, DateRange):
"""Singleton placeholder/sentinel object for use in describing static data
with no time dependence.
def __init__(self):
# call DateRange's init
super(_FXDateRange, self).__init__(datetime.datetime.min, datetime.datetime.max)
self.precision = DatePrecision.STATIC
def __repr__(self):
return "_FXDateRange()"
def start(self):
return FXDateMin
def end(self):
return FXDateMax
FXDateRange = _FXDateRange()
"""Singleton placeholder/sentinel object for use in describing static data
with no time dependence.
class DateFrequency(datetime.timedelta):
"""Class representing a frequency or time period.
. warning::
Period lengths are *not* defined accurately; e.g., a year is taken as
365 days and a month is taken as 30 days. For this reason, we do not
implement addition and subtraction of DateFrequency objects to Dates,
as is possible for :py:class:`~datetime.timedelta` and
# define __new__, not __init__, because timedelta is immutable
def __new__(cls, quantity, unit=None):
if isinstance(quantity, str) and (unit is None):
(kwargs, attrs) = cls._parse_input_string(None, quantity)
elif not isinstance(quantity, int) or not isinstance(unit, str):
raise ValueError(f"Malformed input: '{quantity}' '{unit}'")
(kwargs, attrs) = cls._parse_input_string(quantity, unit)
obj = super(DateFrequency, cls).__new__(cls, **kwargs)
obj.quantity = None
obj.unit = None
# actually set attributes, as well as any others child classes may add
for key, val in attrs.items():
obj.__setattr__(key, val)
return obj
def is_static(self):
"""Property indicating time-independent data (e.g., ``fx`` in CMIP6 DRS.)
return self.quantity == 0 and self.unit == "fx"
def from_struct(cls, str_):
"""Object instantiation method used by :func:`src.util.dataclass.mdtf_dataclass`
for type coercion.
return cls.__new__(cls, str_, None)
def _parse_input_string(cls, quantity, unit):
# don't overwrite input
q = quantity
s = unit.lower()
if q is None:
match = re.match(r"(?P<quantity>\d+)[ _]*(?P<unit>[a-zA-Z]+)", s)
if match:
q = int(match.group('quantity'))
s = match.group('unit')
q = 1
if s in ['fx', 'static']:
q = 0
s = 'fx'
elif s in ['yearly', 'year', 'years', 'yr', 'y', 'annually', 'annual', 'ann']:
s = 'yr'
elif s in ['seasonally', 'seasonal', 'seasons', 'season', 'se']:
s = 'season'
elif s in ['monthly', 'month', 'months', 'mon', 'mo']:
s = 'mo'
elif s in ['weekly', 'weeks', 'week', 'wk', 'w']:
s = 'wk'
elif s in ['daily', 'day', 'days', 'dy', 'd', 'diurnal', 'diurnally']:
s = 'day'
elif s in ['hourly', 'hour', 'hours', 'hr', 'h', '1hr']:
s = 'hr'
elif s in ['minutes', 'minute', 'min']:
s = 'min'
raise ValueError("Malformed input {} {}".format(quantity, unit))
return cls._get_timedelta_kwargs(q, s), {'quantity': q, 'unit': s}
def _get_timedelta_kwargs(cls, q, s):
if s == 'fx':
# internally set to maximum representable timedelta, for purposes of comparison
tmp = datetime.timedelta.max
return {'days': tmp.days, 'seconds': tmp.seconds,
'microseconds': tmp.microseconds
elif s == 'yr':
return {'days': 365 * q}
elif s == 'season':
return {'days': 91 * q}
elif s == 'mo':
return {'days': 30 * q}
elif s == 'wk':
return {'weeks': q}
elif s == 'day':
return {'days': q}
elif s == 'hr':
return {'hours': q}
elif s == 'min':
return {'minutes': q}
raise ValueError("Malformed input {} {}".format(q, s))
__str__ = format
def __repr__(self):
return "{}('{}')".format(type(self).__name__, self)
def __eq__(self, other):
# Note: only want to match labels, don't want '24hr' == '1day'
if isinstance(other, DateFrequency):
return (self.quantity == other.quantity) and (self.unit == other.unit)
return super(DateFrequency, self).__eq__(other)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other) # more foolproof
def __copy__(self):
return self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__, self.quantity, unit=self.unit)
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
return self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__,
copy.deepcopy(self.quantity, memo), unit=copy.deepcopy(self.unit, memo)
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.__class__, self.quantity, self.unit))
class _FXDateFrequency(DateFrequency, _StaticTimeDependenceBase):
"""Singleton placeholder/sentinel object for use in describing static data
with no time dependence.
# define __new__, not __init__, because timedelta is immutable
def __new__(cls):
return super(_FXDateFrequency, cls).__new__(cls, 'static')
def is_static(self):
return True
def __copy__(self):
return self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
return self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
FXDateFrequency = _FXDateFrequency()
"""Singleton placeholder/sentinel object for use in describing static data
with no time dependence.
class AbstractDateRange(abc.ABC):
"""Defines interface (set of attributes) for :class:`DateRange` objects.
class AbstractDate(abc.ABC):
"""Defines interface (set of attributes) for :class:`Date` objects.
class AbstractDateFrequency(abc.ABC):
"""Defines interface (set of attributes) for :class:`DateFrequency` objects.
# Use the "register" method, instead of inheritance, to identify these
# classes as implementations of corresponding ABCs, because
# Python dataclass fields aren't recognized as implementing an abc.abstractmethod.