"""All framework-specific exceptions are placed in a single module to simplify
import os
import sys
import errno
from subprocess import CalledProcessError
import logging
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def exit_on_exception(exc, msg=None):
"""Prints information about a fatal exception to the console before exiting.
Use case is in user-facing subcommands (``mdtf install`` etc.), since we
have more sophisticated logging in the framework itself.
exc (:py:class:`Exception`): Exception to print.
msg (str): Optional, additional message to print.
# if subprocess failed, will have already logged its own info
print(f'ERROR: caught exception {repr(exc)}')
if msg:
def exit_handler(code=1, msg=None):
"""Wraps all calls to :py:func:`sys.exit`; could do additional
cleanup not handled by exit() here.
if msg:
def chain_exc(exc, new_msg, new_exc_class=None):
"""Raise a new exception from an existing one, in order to give more
context for debugging. See Python documentation on
`exception chaining <https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/exceptions.html>`__.
exc (:py:class:`Exception`): Incoming exception to chain new exception from.
new_msg (str): Message for new Exception.
new_exc_class (class): Optional. Class of new exception to raise. If not
provided, raises a new exception of the same type as *exc*.
if new_exc_class is None:
new_exc_class = type(exc)
if new_msg.istitle():
new_msg = new_msg[0].lower() + new_msg[1:]
if new_msg.endswith('.'):
new_msg = new_msg[:-1]
new_msg = f"{exc_descriptor(exc)} while {new_msg.lstrip()}: {repr(exc)}."
raise new_exc_class(new_msg) from exc
except Exception as chained_exc:
return chained_exc
def exc_descriptor(exc):
# MDTFEvents are raised during normal program operation; use correct wording
# for log messages so user doesn't think it's an error
if isinstance(exc, MDTFEvent):
return "Received event"
return "Caught exception"
class TimeoutAlarm(Exception):
"""Dummy exception raised if a subprocess times out."""
# NOTE py3 builds timeout into subprocess; fix this
class MDTFBaseException(Exception):
"""Base class to describe all MDTF-specific errors that can happen during
the framework's operation."""
def __repr__(self):
# full repr of attrs of child classes may take lots of space to print;
# instead just print message
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}("{str(self)}")'
class ChildFailureEvent(MDTFBaseException):
"""Exception raised when a member of the object hierarchy is deactivated
because all its child objects have failed.
def __init__(self, obj):
self.obj = obj
def __str__(self):
return (f"Deactivating {self.obj.full_name} due to failure of all "
f"child objects.")
class PropagatedEvent(MDTFBaseException):
"""Exception passed between members of the object hierarchy when a parent
object (:class:`~core.MDTFObjectBase`) has been deactivated and needs to
deactivate its children.
def __init__(self, exc, parent):
self.exc = exc
self.parent = parent
def __str__(self):
return (f"{exc_descriptor(self.exc)} {repr(self.exc)} from deactivation "
f"of parent {self.parent.full_name}.")
class MDTFFileNotFoundError(FileNotFoundError, MDTFBaseException):
"""Wrapper for :py:class:`FileNotFoundError` which handles error codes so we
don't have to remember to import :py:mod:`errno` everywhere.
def __init__(self, path):
super(MDTFFileNotFoundError, self).__init__(
errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), path
class MDTFFileExistsError(FileExistsError, MDTFBaseException):
"""Wrapper for :py:class:`FileExistsError` which handles error codes so we
don't have to remember to import :py:mod:`errno` everywhere.
def __init__(self, path):
super(MDTFFileExistsError, self).__init__(
errno.EEXIST, os.strerror(errno.EEXIST), path
class MDTFCalledProcessError(CalledProcessError, MDTFBaseException):
"""Wrapper for :py:class:`subprocess.CalledProcessError`."""
class WormKeyError(KeyError, MDTFBaseException):
"""Raised when attempting to overwrite or delete an entry in a
class DataclassParseError(ValueError, MDTFBaseException):
"""Raised when parsing input data fails on a
:func:`~src.util.dataclass.mdtf_dataclass` or
class RegexParseError(ValueError, MDTFBaseException):
"""Raised when parsing input data fails on a
class RegexSuppressedError(ValueError, MDTFBaseException):
"""Raised when parsing input data fails on a
:func:`~src.util.dataclass.RegexPattern`, but we've decided to supress
error based on the associated RegexPattern's match_error_filter attribute.
class UnitsError(ValueError, MDTFBaseException):
"""Raised when trying to convert between quantities with physically
inequivalent units.
class ConventionError(MDTFBaseException):
"""Exception raised by a duplicate variable convention name."""
def __init__(self, conv_name):
self.conv_name = conv_name
def __str__(self):
return f"Error in the definition of convention '{self.conv_name}'."
class MixedDatePrecisionException(MDTFBaseException):
"""Exception raised when we attempt to operate on :class:`Date` or
:class:`DateRange` objects with differing levels of precision, which shouldn't
happen with data sampled at a single frequency.
def __init__(self, func_name='', msg=''):
self.func_name = func_name
self.msg = msg
def __str__(self):
return ("Attempted datelabel method '{}' on FXDate "
"placeholder: {}.").format(self.func_name, self.msg)
class FXDateException(MDTFBaseException):
"""Exception raised when :class:`FXDate` or :class:`FXDateRange` classes,
which are placeholder/sentinel classes used to indicate static data with no
time dependence, are accessed like real :class:`Date` or :class:`DateRange`
def __init__(self, func_name='', msg=''):
self.func_name = func_name
self.msg = msg
def __str__(self):
return ("Attempted datelabel method '{}' on FXDate "
"placeholder: {}.").format(self.func_name, self.msg)
class DataRequestError(MDTFBaseException):
"""Dummy class used for fatal errors that take place during the
data query/fetch/preprocess stage of the framework.
class MDTFEvent(MDTFBaseException):
"""Dummy class to denote non-fatal errors, specifically "events" that are
passed during the data query/fetch/preprocess stage of the framework.
class FatalErrorEvent(MDTFBaseException):
"""Dummy class used to "convert" :class:`MDTFEvent`s to fatal errors
(resulting in deactivation of a variable, pod or case.) via exception
class DataProcessingEvent(MDTFEvent):
"""Base class and common formatting code for events raised in data
query/fetch. These should *not* be used for fatal errors (when a variable or
POD is deactivated.)
def __init__(self, msg="", dataset=None):
self.msg = msg
self.dataset = dataset
def __str__(self):
# if self.dataset is not None:
# if hasattr(self.dataset, 'remote_path'):
# data_id = self.dataset.remote_path
# elif hasattr(self.dataset, 'name'):
# data_id = self.dataset.name
# else:
# data_id = str(self.dataset)
return self.msg
class DataQueryEvent(DataProcessingEvent):
"""Exception signaling a failure to find requested data in the remote location.
class DataExperimentEvent(DataProcessingEvent):
"""Exception signaling a failure to uniquely select an experiment for all
variables based on query results.
class DataFetchEvent(DataProcessingEvent):
"""Exception signaling a failure to obtain data from the remote location.
class DataPreprocessEvent(DataProcessingEvent):
"""Exception signaling an error in preprocessing data after it's been
fetched, but before any PODs run.
class UnitsUndefinedError(MetadataError):
"""Exception signaling unrecoverable errors in variable metadata.
class GenericDataSourceEvent(DataProcessingEvent):
"""Exception signaling a failure originating in the DataSource query/fetch
pipeline whose cause doesn't fall into the above categories.
class UnsupportedFileTypeError(MDTFBaseException):
"""Exception for unsupported file types ingested by the framework
class PodExceptionBase(MDTFBaseException):
"""Base class and common formatting code for exceptions affecting a single
_error_str = ""
def __init__(self, msg=None, pod=None):
self.pod = pod
self.msg = msg
def __str__(self):
s = self._error_str
if self.pod is not None:
if hasattr(self.pod, 'full_name'):
pod_name = self.pod.full_name
pod_name = f"'{self.pod}'"
s += f" for POD {pod_name}"
if self.msg is not None:
s += f": {self.msg}"
if not s.endswith('.'):
s += "."
return s
class PodConfigError(PodExceptionBase):
"""Exception raised if we can't parse info in a POD's settings.jsonc file.
(Covers issues with the file format/schema; malformed JSONC will raise a
:py:class:`~json.JSONDecodeError` when :func:`~util.parse_json` attempts to
parse the file.
_error_str = "Couldn't parse the settings.jsonc file"
class PodConfigEvent(MDTFEvent):
"""Exception raised during non-fatal events in resolving POD configuration.
class PodDataError(PodExceptionBase):
"""Exception raised if POD doesn't have required data to run.
_error_str = "Requested data not available"
class PodRuntimeError(PodExceptionBase):
"""Exception raised if POD doesn't have required resources to run.
_error_str = "Error in setting the runtime environment"
class PodExecutionError(PodExceptionBase):
"""Exception raised if POD exits with non-zero retcode or otherwise raises
an error during execution.
_error_str = "Error during POD execution"