Source code for src.util.filesystem

"""Utility functions for interacting with the local filesystem and configuration
import os
import io
from distutils.spawn import find_executable
import glob
import re
import shutil
import signal
import string
import tempfile
from . import basic
from . import exceptions
from . import signal_logger

import logging

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def abbreviate_path(path: str, old_base: str, new_base=None) -> str: """Express *path* as a path relative to *old_base*, optionally prepending *new_base*. """ ps = tuple(os.path.abspath(p) for p in (path, old_base)) str_ = os.path.relpath(ps[0], start=os.path.commonpath(ps)) if new_base is not None: str_ = os.path.join(new_base, str_) return str_
[docs] def resolve_path(rel_path: str, root_path: str = "", env_vars: dict = None, log=_log) -> str: """Abbreviation to resolve relative paths, expanding environment variables if necessary. Args: log: logger object rel_path (str): Path to resolve. root_path (str): Optional. Root path to resolve `path` with. If not given, resolves relative to :py:func:`os.getcwd`. env_vars (dict): global environment variables Returns: str: Absolute version of *path*. """ def _expandvars(path_name: str, env_dict: dict): """Expand quoted variables of the form ``$key`` and ``${key}`` in *path*, where ``key`` is a key in *env_dict*, similar to :py:func:`os.path.expandvars`. See `<>`__; specialize to not skipping escaped characters and not changing unrecognized variables. """ return re.sub( r'\$(\w+|\{([^}]*)\})', lambda m: env_dict.get( or,, path_name ) if rel_path == "": return rel_path # default value set elsewhere rel_path = os.path.expanduser(rel_path) # resolve '~' to home dir rel_path = os.path.expandvars(rel_path) # expand $VAR or ${VAR} for shell env_vars if isinstance(env_vars, dict): rel_path = _expandvars(rel_path, env_vars) if '$' in rel_path: log.warning("Couldn't resolve all env vars in '%s'", rel_path) return rel_path if os.path.isabs(rel_path): return rel_path if root_path == "": root_path = os.getcwd() assert os.path.isabs(root_path), f"{root_path} is not an absolute path" return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(root_path, rel_path))
[docs] def recursive_copy(src_files, src_root: str, dest_root: str, copy_function=None, overwrite: bool = False): """Copy *src_files* to *dest_root*, preserving relative subdirectory structure. Copies a subset of files in a directory subtree rooted at *src_root* to an identical subtree structure rooted at *dest_root*, creating any subdirectories as needed. For example, ``recursive_copy('/A/B/C.txt', '/A', '/D')`` will first create the destination subdirectory ``/D/B`` and copy ``/A/B/C.txt`` to ``/D/B/C.txt``. Args: src_files (str or iterable): Absolute path, or list of absolute paths, to files to copy. src_root (str): Root subtree of all files in *src_files*. dest_root (str): Destination directory in which to create the copied subtree. copy_function (function): Function to use to copy individual files. Must take two arguments, the source and destination paths, respectively. Defaults to :py:func:`shutil.copy2`. overwrite (bool): Optional, default False. Determines whether to raise error if files would be overwritten. Raises: :py:class:`ValueError`: If all files in *src_files* are not contained in the *src_root* directory. :py:class:`OSError`: If *overwrite* is False, raise if any destination files already exist, otherwise silently overwrite. """ if copy_function is None: copy_function = shutil.copy2 src_files = basic.to_iter(src_files) for f in src_files: if not f.startswith(src_root): raise ValueError('{} not a sub-path of {}'.format(f, src_root)) dest_files = [ os.path.join(dest_root, os.path.relpath(f, start=src_root)) for f in src_files ] for f in dest_files: if not overwrite and os.path.exists(f): raise OSError('{} exists.'.format(f)) os.makedirs(os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(f)), exist_ok=True) for src, dest in zip(src_files, dest_files): copy_function(src, dest)
[docs] def check_executable(exec_name: str) -> bool: """Tests if the executable *exec_name* is found on the current ``$PATH``. Args: exec_name (:py:obj:`str`): Name of the executable to search for. """ return find_executable(exec_name) is not None
[docs] def find_files(src_dirs: str | list, filename_globs: str | list, n_files=None) -> list: """Return list of files in *src_dirs*, or any subdirectories, matching any of *filename_globs*. Wraps Python :py:class:`glob.glob`. Args: src_dirs: Directory, or a list of directories, to search for files in. The function will also search all subdirectories. filename_globs: Glob, or a list of globs, for filenames to match. This is a shell globbing pattern, not a full regex. n_files (int): Optional. Number of files expected to be found. Raises: :class:`~src.util.exceptions.MDTFFileNotFoundError`: If *n_files* is supplied and the number of files found is different than this number. Returns: List of paths to files matching any of the criteria. If no files are found, the list is empty. """ src_dirs = basic.to_iter(src_dirs) filename_globs = basic.to_iter(filename_globs) files = set([]) for d in src_dirs: for g in filename_globs: files.update(glob.glob(os.path.join(d, g))) files.update(glob.glob(os.path.join(d, '**', g), recursive=True)) if n_files is not None and len(files) != n_files: # _log.debug('Expected to find %d files, instead found %d.', n_files, len(files)) raise exceptions.MDTFFileNotFoundError(str(filename_globs)) return list(files)
[docs] def check_dir(dir_path: str, attr_name: str = "", create: bool = False): """Check existence of directories. No action is taken for directories that already exist; nonexistent directories either raise a :class:`~util.MDTFFileNotFoundError` or cause the creation of that directory. Args: dir_path: If a string, the absolute path to check; otherwise, assume the path to check is given by the *attr_name* attribute on this object. attr_name: Name of the attribute being checked (used in log messages). create: (bool, default False): if True, nonexistent directories are created. """ if not isinstance(dir_path, str): dir_path = getattr(dir_path, attr_name, None) if not isinstance(dir_path, str): raise ValueError(f"Expected string, received {repr(dir_path)}.") try: if not os.path.isdir(dir_path): if create: os.makedirs(dir_path, exist_ok=False) else: raise exceptions.MDTFFileNotFoundError(dir_path) except Exception as exc: if isinstance(exc, FileNotFoundError): path = getattr(exc, 'filename', '') if attr_name: if not os.path.exists(dir_path): raise exceptions.MDTFFileNotFoundError( f"{attr_name} not found at '{path}'.") else: raise exceptions.MDTFFileNotFoundError( f"{attr_name}: Path '{dir_path}' exists but is not a directory.") else: raise exceptions.MDTFFileNotFoundError(path) else: raise OSError(f"Caught exception when checking {attr_name}={dir_path}: {repr(exc)}") \ from exc
[docs] def bump_version(path: str, new_v=None, extra_dirs=None): """Append a version number to *path*, if necessary, so that it doesn't conflict with existing files. Args: path (str): Path to test and append version number to. new_v (int): Optional. Version number to begin incrementing at. extra_dirs (str or iterable): Optional. If supplied, increment the version number of *path* so that it doesn't conflict with pre-existing files at these locations either. Returns: str: *path* with a version number appended to it, if *path* exists. For files, the version number is appended before the extension. For example, repeated application would create a series of files ``file.txt``, ``file.v1.txt``, ``file.v2.txt``, ... """ def _split_version(file_): match = re.match(r""" ^(?P<file_base>.*?) # arbitrary characters (lazy match) (\.v(?P<version>\d+)) # literal '.v' followed by digits ? # previous group may occur 0 or 1 times $ # end of string """, file_, re.VERBOSE) if match: return'file_base'),'version') else: return file_, '' def _reassemble(dir_, file_, version, ext_, final_sep): if version: file_ = ''.join([file_, '.v', str(version), ext_]) else: # get here for version == 0, '' or None file_ = ''.join([file_, ext_]) return os.path.join(dir_, file_) + final_sep def _path_exists(dir_list, file_, new_v, ext_, sep): new_paths = [_reassemble(d, file_, new_v, ext_, sep) for d in dir_list] return any([os.path.exists(p) for p in new_paths]) if path.endswith(os.sep): # remove any terminating slash on directory path = path.rstrip(os.sep) final_sep = os.sep else: final_sep = '' dir_, file_ = os.path.split(path) if not extra_dirs: dir_list = [] else: dir_list = basic.to_iter(extra_dirs) dir_list.append(dir_) file_, old_v = _split_version(file_) if not old_v: # maybe it has an extension and then a version number file_, ext_ = os.path.splitext(file_) file_, old_v = _split_version(file_) else: ext_ = '' if new_v is not None: # removes version if new_v ==0 new_path = _reassemble(dir_, file_, new_v, ext_, final_sep) else: if not old_v: new_v = 0 else: new_v = int(old_v) while _path_exists(dir_list, file_, new_v, ext_, final_sep): new_v = new_v + 1 new_path = _reassemble(dir_, file_, new_v, ext_, final_sep) return new_path, new_v
# --------------------------------------------------------- # HTML TEMPLATING # --------------------------------------------------------- class _DoubleBraceTemplate(string.Template): """Private class used by :func:`~util.append_html_template` to do string templating with double curly brackets as delimiters, since single brackets are also used in css. See `<>`_ and `<>`__. """ flags = re.VERBOSE # matching is case-sensitive, unlike default delimiter = '{{' # starting delimter is two braces, then apply pattern = r""" \{\{(?: # match delimiter itself, but don't include it # Alternatives for what to do with string following delimiter: # case 1) text is an escaped double bracket, written as '{{{{'. (?P<escaped>\{\{)| # case 2) text is the name of an env var, possibly followed by whitespace, # followed by closing double bracket. Match POSIX env var names, # case-sensitive (see, with the # addition that hyphens are allowed. # Can't tell from docs what the distinction between <named> and <braced> is. \s*(?P<named>[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)\s*\}\}| \s*(?P<braced>[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)\s*\}\}| # case 3) none of the above: ignore & move on (when using safe_substitute) (?P<invalid>) ) """
[docs] def append_html_template(template_file: str, target_file: str, template_dict: dict = {}, create: bool = True, append: bool = True): """Perform substitutions on *template_file* and write result to *target_file*. Variable substitutions are done with custom `templating <>`__, replacing *double* curly bracket-delimited keys with their values in *template_dict*. For example, if *template_dict* is ``{'A': 'foo'}``, all occurrences of the string ``{{A}}`` in *template_file* are replaced with the string ``foo``. Spaces between the braces and variable names are ignored. Double-curly-bracketed strings that don't correspond to keys in *template_dict* are ignored (instead of raising a KeyError.) Double curly brackets are chosen as the delimiter to match the default syntax of, e.g., jinja2. Using single curly braces would lead to conflicts with CSS syntax. Args: template_file (str): Path to template file. target_file (str): Destination path for result. template_dict (dict): Template name-value pairs. Both names and values must be strings. create (bool): Optional, default True. If True, create *target_file* if it doesn't exist, otherwise raise an ``OSError``. append (bool): Optional, default True. If *target_file* exists and this is True, append the substituted contents of *template_file* to it. If False, overwrite *target_file* with the substituted contents of *template_file*. """ assert os.path.exists(template_file), f"Template file {template_file} not found" with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: html_str = html_str = _DoubleBraceTemplate(html_str).safe_substitute(template_dict) if not os.path.exists(target_file): if create: mode = 'w' else: raise OSError("Can't find {}".format(target_file)) else: if append: mode = 'a' else: os.remove(target_file) mode = 'w' with, mode, encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(html_str)
[docs] class TempDirManager: _prefix = 'MDTF_temp_' keep_temp: bool = False temp_root: str = "" _dirs: list _root: str = "" _unittest: bool = False def __init__(self, config): if hasattr(config, 'unit_test'): self._unittest = config.unit_test if not hasattr(config, 'TEMP_DIR_ROOT'): temp_root = tempfile.gettempdir() else: temp_root = config.TEMP_DIR_ROOT if config.CODE_ROOT not in temp_root: temp_root = os.path.join(config.CODE_ROOT, temp_root) if not self._unittest: assert os.path.isdir(temp_root), "Could not find temp_root directory" self._root = temp_root self._dirs = [] self.keep_temp = config.get('keep_temp', False) # delete temp files if we're killed signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.tempdir_cleanup_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.tempdir_cleanup_handler)
[docs] def make_tempdir(self, hash_obj=None): if hash_obj is None: new_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=self._prefix, dir=self._root) elif isinstance(hash_obj, str): new_dir = os.path.join(self._root, self._prefix + hash_obj) else: # nicer-looking hash representation hash_ = hex(hash(hash_obj))[2:] assert isinstance(hash_, str) new_dir = os.path.join(self._root, self._prefix + hash_) if not os.path.isdir(new_dir): os.makedirs(new_dir) assert new_dir not in self._dirs self._dirs.append(new_dir) return new_dir
[docs] def rm_tempdir(self, path: str): assert path in self._dirs self._dirs.remove(path) _log.debug("Cleaning up temp dir %s", path) shutil.rmtree(path)
[docs] def cleanup(self): if not self.keep_temp and any(self._dirs): for d in self._dirs: self.rm_tempdir(d)
[docs] def tempdir_cleanup_handler(self, signum=None): # delete temp files signal_logger(self.__class__.__name__, signum, log=_log) self.cleanup()