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Can be turned on or off together. Default: On Years used can be controlled individually - three CESM 5-member ensembles (CAM3, CAM4, CAM5) which can be turned on or off individually. Default: CAM5 only. (Note that the code runs with these but the html file does not yet respond to this. Therefore the POD will fail to link the figures if non-default options are used) ================== ==================== Variable name Default ================== ==================== "MDTF_BLOCKING_OBS" : "True", //both ERA & MERRA (not possible to choose individually yet) "MDTF_BLOCKING_OBS_USE_CASE_YEARS": "False", //if False, must set ERA/MERRA/CAM5 FIRST/LAST-YRS below "MDTF_BLOCKING_OBS_ERA_FIRSTYR" : 2010, "MDTF_BLOCKING_OBS_ERA_LASTYR" : 2014, "MDTF_BLOCKING_OBS_MERRA_FIRSTYR" : 2009, "MDTF_BLOCKING_OBS_MERRA_LASTYR" : 2011, "MDTF_BLOCKING_OBS_CAM5_FIRSTYR" : 1979, "MDTF_BLOCKING_OBS_CAM5_LASTYR" : 2007, "MDTF_BLOCKING_CAM3" : "False", //if True, will run but doesn't show on webpage "MDTF_BLOCKING_CAM4" : "False", //if True, will run but doesn't show on webpage "MDTF_BLOCKING_CAM5" : "True", "MDTF_BLOCKING_READ_DIGESTED" : "True", // if True, files must be available "MDTF_BLOCKING_WRITE_DIGESTED" : "False", // if True, writes out case data as digested. requires READ_DIGESTED = False "MDTF_BLOCKING_WRITE_DIGESTED_DIR": "", // default output directory for digested data "MDTF_BLOCKING_DEBUG" : "False" // reduces number of ensemble members to 2 for quicker execution REMOVED: "MDTF_BLOCKING_COMPARE_LONG_YEARS" use instead the more detailed variables above 2) Variables to control reading or writing of digested data - ``MDTF_BLOCKING_READ_DIGESTED (Default True)`` If True, the POD looks for digested data for the obs & CAM ensembles Digested means the data has been processed by this POD into the `block_time` variable name and format (see ``MDTF_BLOCKING_WRITE_DIGESTED`` below) ``(MDTF_BLOCKING_READ_DIGESTED = False)`` If False, the POD looks for raw data (Z500(time,lat,lon)). The POD is not currently capable of running with a mix of digested and undigested (other than the undigested MDTF input case). If the user desires this, it is recommended to run only the components that are not digested, and write out digested. Then re-running with MDTF_BLOCKING_READ_DIGESTED will work. It is not yet possible to run the MDTF input case with digested data, although it is possible to write it out. | OBS/CAM file name & dir expectations: | Digested: obs_data/blocking/ERAI/ERAI.z500.day. *digested* .nc | Undigested: obs_data/blocking/*undigested*/ERAI/ERAI.z500.day.nc - ``MDTF_BLOCKING_WRITE_DIGESTED (Default False)`` If True, whatever data was read in raw will be written out digested. This is how a user can make a new digested file, whether obs, a new case or ensemble, or a previous MDTF input case to compare against. Code Overview ------------- The POD is called by a python wrapper script, ``blocking_neale.py`` which calls ``blocking.ncl``. ``blocking.ncl`` summary: 1. Read all case data from environmental variables and store it in ``all_cases`` structure ``all_cases = blocking_get_all_case_info()`` is a data structure defined in blocking_funcs.ncl which contains arrays of length number of cases (mdtf case + obs cases + comparison models) and contains the following components: - ``case_names`` (short names; for ensembles these are the group name repeated length ncase) - ``file_names`` (paths to files for each case (distinct for each ensemble member)) - ``var_names`` (what the variables are named in the datasets) - ``years_run0, years_run1`` (start and stop years for each case) - ``plot_colors`` hard-coded for consistency from run to run 2. Sets up figures that need to be done before each season is processed *To be done* 3. Loops over seasons (tested on ANN. DJF & JJA not tested) * Loops over files. File settings obtained by ``file_opts = extract_file_opts(all_cases,ifile)`` 1. If ``MDTF_BLOCKING_READ_DIGESTED = True`` * Calls ``blocking_digested.ncl:open_digested()`` to open ``file_opts@file_name`` (set in ``blocking_funcs.ncl:set_and_check_file_names()``) reads ``block_time = f_dig->$var_name$(idays,:)`` * ``else`` reads raw Z500 data using ``var_in_p = blocking_readfile_orig`` and computes the blocking index as ``block_time(lon)`` following :ref:`Tibaldi and Molteni (1990) ` 2. If ``MDTF_BLOCKING_WRITE_DIGESTED`` Optionally writes ``block_time`` out as digested data 3. computes ``block_days`` as sum of all days that were blocked over the entire time period, as a function of longitude (as well as std for ensembles) ``block_std`` and ``block_freq`` to be blocked/all days. 4. for season ``ANN`` (annual) only, calculate daily frequency ``block_freq_yr(ndoys,nlons)`` for Hovmüllers, smoothed by `smth9_Wrap `__ * Loops over ensemble groups for figures 1. Store data in arrays ``block_freq_aves_p, block_freq_min_p/max_p`` 2. Set more plotting resources ``res_m`` 3. Individual (Hovmueller figures) ``plot_t(ifile) = gsn_csm_hov(wks_ens_page, lonPivot(block_freq_yr,270.), res_t)`` 4. Combined seasonal figure (one figure with a line for each dataset) ``plot(ip) = gsn_csm_xy (wks,block_freq_aves_p&lon,block_freq_aves_p,res_m)`` Figures ^^^^^^^ .. figure:: figure_freq_season.png :align: left :width: 75 % .. figure:: figure_anncycle.OBS.png :align: left :width: 75 % .. figure:: figure_anncycle.CAM5.png :align: left :width: 75 % References ---------- .. _ref-Tibaldi-Molteni: 1. Tibaldi and Molteni (1990): On the operational predictability of blocking. *Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography*, **42** (3), 343-365, `doi:10.3402/tellusa.v42i3.11882 `__. .. _ref-DAndrea: 2. D’Andrea, F., Tibaldi, S., Blackburn, M. et al. (1998): Northern Hemisphere atmospheric blocking as simulated by 15 atmospheric general circulation models in the period 1979–1988. *Climate Dynamics*, **14**, 385–407 `doi:10.1007/s003820050230 `__. .. _ref-Davini: 3. Davini, P., Cagnazzo, C., Neale, R., and Tribbia, J. (2012): Coupling between Greenland blocking and the North Atlantic Oscillation pattern, *Geophys. Res. Lett.*, **39**, L14701, `doi:10.1029/2012GL052315 `__.