Source code for src.util.json_utils

"""Utility functions for reading and manipulating json files
import os
import io
import collections
import json
import re
from . import exceptions

import logging

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def get_config_file_type(file_path: str) -> str: """Verify that configuration file is json or yaml""" ext = os.path.splitext(file_path)[-1].lower() supported_file_types = [".jsonc", ".json", ".yml"] if ext not in supported_file_types: raise exceptions.UnsupportedFileTypeError( f"Unsupported file type. {file_path} must be of type .json(c) or .yml") return ext
[docs] def strip_comments(str_, delimiter=None): """Remove comments from *str_*. Comments are taken to start with an arbitrary *delimiter* and run to the end of the line. """ # would be better to use shlex, but that doesn't support multi-character # comment delimiters like '//' ESCAPED_QUOTE_PLACEHOLDER = '\v' # no one uses vertical tab if not delimiter: return str_ lines = str_.splitlines() for i in range(len(lines)): # get rid of lines starting with delimiter if lines[i].startswith(delimiter): lines[i] = '' continue # handle delimiters midway through a line: # If delimiter appears quoted in a string, don't want to treat it as # a comment. So for each occurrence of delimiter, count number of # "s to its left and only truncate when that's an even number. # First we get rid of -escaped single "s. replaced_line = lines[i].replace('\\\"', ESCAPED_QUOTE_PLACEHOLDER) line_parts = replaced_line.split(delimiter) quote_counts = [s.count('"') for s in line_parts] j = 1 while sum(quote_counts[:j]) % 2 != 0: if j >= len(quote_counts): raise ValueError(f"Couldn't parse line {i+1} of string.") j += 1 replaced_line = delimiter.join(line_parts[:j]) lines[i] = replaced_line.replace(ESCAPED_QUOTE_PLACEHOLDER, '\\\"') # make lookup table of correct line numbers, taking into account lines we # dropped line_nos = [i for i, s in enumerate(lines) if (s and not s.isspace())] # join lines, stripping blank lines new_str = '\n'.join([s for s in lines if (s and not s.isspace())]) return new_str, line_nos
[docs] def parse_json(str_): """Parse JSONC (JSON with ``//``-comments) string *str_* into a Python object. Comments are discarded. Wraps standard library :py:func:`json.loads`. Syntax errors in the input (:py:class:`~json.JSONDecodeError`) are passed through from the Python standard library parser. We correct the line numbers mentioned in the errors to refer to the original file (i.e., with comments.) """ def _pos_from_lc(lineno, colno, str_): # fix line number, since we stripped commented-out lines. JSONDecodeError # computes line/col no. in error message from character position in string. lines = str_.splitlines() return (colno - 1) + sum((len(line) + 1) for line in lines[:lineno]) (strip_str, line_nos) = strip_comments(str_, delimiter='//') try: parsed_json = json.loads(strip_str, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict) except json.JSONDecodeError as exc: # fix reported line number, since we stripped commented-out lines. assert exc.lineno <= len(line_nos) raise json.JSONDecodeError( msg=exc.msg, doc=str_, pos=_pos_from_lc(line_nos[exc.lineno-1], exc.colno, str_) ) except UnicodeDecodeError as exc: raise json.JSONDecodeError( msg=f"parse_json received UnicodeDecodeError:\n{exc}", doc=strip_str, pos=0 ) return parsed_json
[docs] def read_json(file_path, log=_log): """Reads a struct from a JSONC file at *file_path*. Raises: :class:`~src.util.exceptions.MDTFFileNotFoundError`: If file not found at *file_path*. Returns: dict: data contained in the file, as parsed by :func:`parse_json`. Execution exits with error code 1 on all other exceptions. """ log.debug('Reading file %s', file_path) try: with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file_: str_ = except Exception as exc: # something more serious than missing file _log.critical("Caught exception when trying to read %s: %r", file_path, exc) exit(1) return parse_json(str_)
[docs] def find_json(file_path, exit_if_missing=True, log=_log): """Reads a JSONC file Args: file_path (str): Filename to search for. exit_if_missing (bool): Optional, default True. Exit with error code 1 if *file_name* not found. log: log file """ try: os.path.isfile(file_path) except exceptions.MDTFFileNotFoundError: if exit_if_missing: _log.critical("Couldn't find file %s.", file_path) exit(1) else: log.debug("Couldn't find file %s; continuing.", file_path) return dict() return read_json(file_path)
[docs] def write_json(struct, file_path, sort_keys=False, log=_log): """Serializes *struct* to a JSON file at *file_path*. Args: struct (dict): Object to serialize. file_path (str): path of the JSON file to write. sort_keys (bool): parameter indicating whether to sort keys to pass to json.dumps log (logging.getlogger): log object """ log.debug('Writing file %s', file_path) try: str_ = json.dumps(struct, sort_keys=sort_keys, indent=2, separators=(',', ': ')) with, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file_: file_.write(str_) except IOError: _log.critical(f'Fatal IOError when trying to write {file_path}. Exiting.') exit(1)
[docs] def pretty_print_json(struct, sort_keys=False): """Serialize *struct* to a pseudo-YAML string for human-readable debugging purposes only. Output is not valid JSON (or YAML). """ str_ = json.dumps(struct, sort_keys=sort_keys, indent=2) for char in [',', '{', '}', '[', ']']: str_ = str_.replace(char, '') # remove isolated double quotes, but keep "" str_ = re.sub(r'(?<!\")\"(?!\")', "", str_) # remove lines containing only whitespace return os.linesep.join([s for s in str_.splitlines() if s.strip()])