3. Running the package on your data

In this section we describe how to proceed beyond running the simple test case described in the previous section, in particular how to run the framework on your own model data.

3.1. Preparing your data for use by the package

You have multiple options for organizing or setting up access to your model’s data in a way that the framework can recognize. This task is performed by a “data source,” a code plug-in that handles obtaining model data from a remote location for analysis by the PODs.

In order to identify what variable names correspond to the physical quantities requested by each POD, the LocalFile data source requires that model data follow one of several recognized variable naming conventions defined by the package. The currently recognized conventions are:

  • CMIP: Variable names and units as used in the

CMIP6 data request. There is a web interface to the request. Data from any model that has been published as part of CMIP6 (e.g., made available via ESGF) should follow this convention.

  • CESM: Variable names and units used in the default output of models developed at the

National Center for Atmospheric Research, such as CAM (all versions) and CESM2.

  • GFDL: Variable names and units used in the default output of models developed at the

Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, such as AM4, CM4 and SPEAR.

The names and units for the variables in the model data you’re adding need to conform to one of the above conventions in order to be recognized by the LocalFile data source. For models that aren’t currently supported, the workaround we recommend is to generate CMIP-compliant data by postprocessing model output with the CMOR tool. We hope to offer support for the naming conventions of a wider range of models in the future.

Adding your model data files

  • <dataset_name> is any string uniquely identifying the dataset,

  • <frequency> is a string describing the frequency at which the data is sampled, e.g. 1hr, 3hr, 6hr, day, mon or year.

  • <variable_name> is the name of the variable in the convention chosen in the previous section.

If you have observational data you want to analyze available on a locally mounted disk, we recommend creating symlinks that have the needed filenames, rather than making copies of the data files. For example,

% mkdir -p inputdata/obs_data/[pod name]
% ln -s <path> inputdata/obs_data/[pod name]/[file name]

will create a symbolic link to the file at <path> that follows the filename convention used by this data source:

├── obs_data ( = <OBS_DATA_ROOT>)
│   ├── example
│       ├── example file

3.2. Running the package on your data

How to configure the package

All configuration options for the package options are set in a JSON or Yaml configuration file passed to the package with the -f flag. An example of this input file is given in templates/runtime_config.jsonc, which you used previously to run the package on test data. We recommend using one of the files as a template, copying it, and customizing it as needed.

Options controlling the analysis

The configuration options required to specify what analysis the package should do are:

  • pod_list: (list of strings) comma-separated list of PODs to run with the framework

  • case_list: Main block with the information for each model data case to run with the framework The block for each case is a string with the name of each model simulation (case). Note that there is no explicit CASENAME paramater in the configuration file; the framework will define each CASENAME key using string value that defines the case block.

    • model: (string) name of the model for each case

    • Convention: (string) convention of case; [“CMIP” | “CESM” | “GFDL”]

    • startdate: (string with format <YYYYMMDD> or <*YYYYMMDDHHmmss>) The starting date of the analysis period

    • enddate (string with format <YYYYMMDD> or <*YYYYMMDDHHmmss>) The end date of the analysis period.

An error will be raised if the data provided for any requested variable doesn’t span the date range defined by startdate and enddate

Options for data management

  • DATA_CATALOG: (string; required) Full or relative path to the model data ESM-intake catalog .json header file

  • OBS_DATA_ROOT: (string; optional) Full or relative path to Parent directory containing observational data. Must be set if running PODs that have required observational datasets.

  • WORK_DIR: (string; required) Full or relative path to working directory

  • OUTPUT_DIR: (string; optional) Full or relative path to output directory; The results of each run of the framework will be put in an MDTF_output subdirectory of this directory. Defaults to WORK_DIR if blank.

  • conda_root: (string; required) Location of the Anaconda/miniconda or micromamba installation to use for managing package dependencies (path returned by running conda info –base or micromamba info.)

  • conda_env_root: (string; required) Directory containing the framework-specific conda environments. This should be equal to the “–env_dir” flag passed to conda_env_setup.sh

  • micromambe_exe (string; required if using micromamba to manage conda environments) Full path to the micromamba executable

Options for workflow control

  • run_pp: (boolean) Set to true to run the preprocessor; default true

  • translate_data: (boolean) Set to true to perform data translation; default true

  • save_ps: (boolean) Set to true to have PODs save postscript figures in addition to bitmaps; default false

  • large_file: (boolean) Set to true for files > 4 GB. The framework will write processed netCDF files in NETCDF4_CLASSIC format; if false files are written in NETCDF4 format; default false

  • save_pp_data: (boolean) set to true to retain processed data in the OUTPUT_DIR after preprocessing. If false, delete processed data after POD output is finalized; default true

  • make_variab_tar: (boolean) Set to true to save HTML and bitmap plots in a .tar file; default false

  • make_multicase_figure_html: (boolean) Set to true to auto-generate html output for multiple figures per case; default false

  • overwrite: (boolean) Set to true to overwrite newest existing OUTPUT_DIR from a previous run; default false

  • user_pp_scripts: (list of strings) comma-separated Python list of strings with custom preprocessing scripts to include in the workflow. Add any custom script(s) you want to run to the user_scripts directory of your copy of the MDTF-diagnostics repository. The scripts will run even if the list is populated whether run_pp is set to true or false.

Running the package

From this point, the instructions for running the package are the same as for running it on the sample data, assuming you’ve set the configuration options by editing a copy of the configuration file template at `templates/runtime_config.jsonc

same way:

% cd <CODE_ROOT>
% ./mdtf -f <new config file path>

The output of the package will be saved as a series of web pages in a directory named MDTF_output/[pod_name] in <OUTPUT_DIR>.

If you run the package multiple times with the same configuration values and overwrite set to *false, the suffixes “.v1”, “.v2”, etc. will be added to duplicate MDTF_output directory names.