Wavenumber Frequency Spectra Diagnostic Module From NCAR¶
Last update: 03/11/2019
Produces wavenumber-frequency spectra for OLR, Precipitation, 500hPa Omega, 200hPa wind and 850hPa Wind.
Contact info¶
Current Developer: Dani Coleman (bundy@ucar.edu), NCAR
Contributors: Dennis Shea, Andrew Gettleman, Jack Chen, Rich Neale (NCAR)
Open source copyright agreement¶
This package is distributed under the LGPLv3 license (see LICENSE.txt).
Python code calls NCL wkSpaceTime_driver.ncl code for each of the variables in turn.
Preprocessed observational data in the form of gif figures from NCEP precipitation, OLR,
Omega and winds, and TRMM precipitation are in the
mdtf/inputdata/obs_data/Wheeler_Kiladis directory
Place your input data at: mdtf/inputdata/model/$model_name/day
index.html can be found at: mdtf/MDTF_$ver/wkdir/MDTF_$model_name
Required Programing Language and libraries¶
All these scripts required NCAR Command Language Version 6.3.0 or higher
Required input data to the module¶
Daily U200, U850, OMEGA500, OLR, PRECT
Wheeler, Matthew, and George N. Kiladis. “Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves: Analysis of Clouds and Temperature in the Wavenumber–Frequency Domain.” *Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences* 56, no. 3 (February 1, 1999): 374–99. https://doi.org/10.1175/1520-0469(1999)056<0374:CCEWAO>2.0.CO;2.