Running Submodules

Functions from external packages can be called by MDTF with their inclusion in the json or yml file supplied to the framework.

Inclusion in JSON file

The following block in your JSON or yml file is required for the submodule to launch:

               "arguments go here"

Where, ${MODULE_NAME} is the name for the package you want to launch a function from, ${FUNCTION_NAME} is the function you want to call, and ${FUNCTION_ARGS} is the arguments to be passed to the function.

TempestExtremes Example

As an example, we will build and run TempestExtremes (TE) from MDTF. First, clone the latest TE with a python wrapper. As of writing, this can be found ‘here <>’_ In the cloned directory, it can be built using the commands:

python build_ext
python install

Now, in our JSON file we can call the function DetectNodes by including the following:

              "--closedcontourcmd": "PRMSL_L101,200.,4,0;TMP_L100,-0.4,8.0,1.1",
              "--outputcmd": "MSL,min,0;_VECMAG(VAR_10U,VAR_10V),max,2;ZS,min,0",

Multiple packages can be ran if they are nested in “module_list”. Multiple functions can be called or even the same one again.